18 July 2021
Someone sent a chat into the FB group that a store had moved. Curious, I spent several minutes looking for the spot and found it. Just looking at the scenery itself is already refreshing. Honestly, I can't stop dreaming about Japan ever since I moved to the capital and live alone. I have lived alone since I entered college, but this time it is not the same. Overall, my current situation is comparatively better than when I just graduated. However, I still dislike the capital (whatever country it is actually), although it is better than countryside if I want to buy some goods.
Going back here and facing the slow-paced people and low work-quality really stressed me out. They expect everyone to have the same common-sense and accept what they served which is basically half-assed most of the time. Take an example. I went to fix my bike the other day and while it was cheap, the work is not complete. The fix is mediocre and the mechanic didn't even set the shifter the way it used to before (which was fine). I remember when I had my bike fixed in Japan. I asked the mechanic to straighten my rim. He did it, although not perfect, he explained why and he even set the brakes! How cool is that?
One staff at my department just passed the interview for MEXT scholarship. If there is nothing wrong, then he will go for Japan next year. Good for you my friend! I hope you will have a good time there.
It has been a full month since the last time I went to the office. To be honest, this is what I ever wanted since I experienced working for the first time in 2016. What's the point of going into the office if those things can be done from anywhere? I enjoyed this pandemic situation somehow, although not 100%, it is still much better to meet people directly and talk rather than using emails.
Aaaah, I do need a proper hardware support to conduct my research quickly. Damn. I need that GPU units. Why nobody proposed it? It is not like nobody uses deep learning stuff. There are people using that and I also need that. Looking at the ever-growing trend and the minor program in the campus, why don't facilitate us? For the researchers and potential students, Jesus. What's in your mind? Are you even in the right mind? You always ask for more publications, but what the fuck with this situation I'm in? I can do more than this if you prepared that stuff long before I joined. At least there are something to help this time-consuming finetuning and cross-validation.
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