Umm, let's start with the first day. I arrived in Japan on April 2nd, 2018 at 8.30 A.M. I was hoping that the queue doesn't too long an there is no luggage checking or whatsoever. Alas, by the time I arrived at the immigration, the room is packed with people from previous flights. Crazy.
Unsurprisingly I got out after receiving my residence card around 11 P.M. Then I got out from the airport to wait for the bus. The ticket was JPY 2050. It is cheaper to go by train, but regarding my 2x23 carry-ons, it is better to spend JPY1000 more.
The bus arrived at 11.40. It was on-time. So Japanese, right? I told the crew to stop at Gakken-Nara-Tomigaoka. But I don't know why either my mouth mispelled 'gakken' as 'gakuen', or the crew misheard me, when I arrived at a big station, the driver told me that this is my destination but I can't find my tutor anywhere.
I went to Starbucks led by a Japanese stranger for a free wifi. I told my tutor that I have arrived, but he said that I got off at the wrong stop. I should get off at the next station. Finally, he picked me up but I missed the orientation from the campus. Luckily, the international office staff told me the main points of the orientation in just 30 mins.
After the orientation, I went to see my room and put my luggage. The dorm has no lift, and imagine that I have to bring the refrigerator to the 5th floor. If not for my lab-mates (seniors), I might hurt my back already. Ah, speaking of the lab, there are 4 PhD seniors from my country, 2 Chinese, 4 Vietnamese, and 2 German.
In the first month I spent around JPY 81K to buy essential things, the priciest things were IH stove and rice cooker. For foods, I spend around JPY 3K~5K per week and this seems to be a good amount, maybe I can save up a little more if I can find cheaper store. I got third-hand bike from my senior who is going to be graduated from PhD this September. Nice bike with worn rear tire and rusty chain. A lot of work to do to spend the Golden Week holiday. As for sightseeing, I only went to yoshino-yama with lab fellows. Nowhere else. The terrain here is harsh and no way for me to go there unless I push my bike along.
So, yeah. That sums up my first month here.